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It’s Time for a New High-Efficiency Air Conditioner!


Your AC system is far from new. You’ve been wondering how much longer you should wait before deciding to retire it and have a new one installed. We’ve got news for you: it’s time, and you’ll be so happy with your decision. We’ve got tips for determining that your old air conditioner needs replacing as well as info on the great new high-efficiency AC systems. 

Your Air Conditioner Needs Replacing If…

  • Age: An air conditioner can work well for about a decade under good circumstances. Occasionally it might work for twelve years or so! But as it gets to this age, you need to start planning for a replacement.
  • Condition: Have you been good about making sure your air conditioner gets annual maintenance? If so, you can stick with the above age estimates. If not, wear and tear will age your system much more quickly! Start thinking about replacement when it’s 5-7 years old.
  • Repair Cost: Does it need a costly repair? One recommendation is to replace the AC if the repair will cost more than 50% of the price of a new one. Another is to multiply the age by the cost of the repair, and only choose repair if the result is less than 5000. If it’s more, replace the air conditioner instead. 
  • Repair Frequency: The cost of one major repair is obvious. The cost of many smaller repairs is less so. But these expenses add up! And as the air conditioner gets older, these little repair needs will occur more frequently. If it’s already happening at least once a year, it’s time to get ready for AC replacement.
  • Efficiency: The efficiency of an air conditioner drops by about 5% each year due to dust and grime buildup, lack of lubrication, tiny misalignments from vibrations, and general wear and tear. For years, regular maintenance will be able to bring it right back up, but as the system gets older, no amount of maintenance will do the trick, and your electric bill will start to creep upward.

Replace Your Air Conditioner With…

A system that’s a decade old is much less efficient, even when it was brand-new than the systems you can get today. How is it possible for manufacturers to create these high-efficiency air conditioners? There are three big things that have changed.

  • Coils: These are the tubes the refrigerant runs through. The more quickly and easily the refrigerant can soak up and release heat, the more efficient the system will be. New materials are now being used for these coils which have higher thermal conductivity—they allow the refrigerant to change temperature much more easily.
  • Motors: To power the AC’s fans, motors used to simply be on or off. Now, variable-speed motors can automatically adjust, using less power as often as possible, and only running at full power when absolutely necessary.
  • Compressors: Similar to the motors, multi-stage compressors allow the system to run with much less energy most of the time, only ramping up to full-power mode when your home really needs maximum cooling power.

Your air conditioning replacement in Swartz, LA will make your home more comfortable and your utility bills lower for years to come! Reach out to us with any questions.

Contact Mike Smith Heating & Air Conditioning, LLC. We provide “Professional grade service.”

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