Mike Smith Heating & Air Conditioning, LLC Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Hop On Your Heater Maintenance Today

Monday, September 26th, 2022
3D illustration of furnace

It’s tempting to think that autumn will last forever, keeping your home in that beautiful temperature range that doesn’t require either air conditioning or heating. But the truth is that cold days will come, and you want your heater to work when they arrive. Plan ahead, schedule now, and you can be sure your home will stay comfortable all through the winter.

There are some major benefits to prompt, regular heater maintenance every fall before the heating season begins. They fall into four main categories: safety, comfort, environmental impact, and financial benefit.

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5 Tips for Better Comfort This Spring

Monday, March 28th, 2022

The temperatures outside are finally starting to get warmer. Although it’s still brisk when you step outside, you should be thinking about preparing your home for this transitional period. Remaining comfortable in your home is all about preparation, no matter the season. This is why we underscore the importance of education on our team. We’re always going to get you the right information to empower you. 

We’re a family-owned team that’s worked in the area dating back to 1987. If you want to improve the quality of your home, you can trust one of our professionals to do it. We know our stuff because we’re experienced. We’re more than prepared to help you with your air conditioning and heating in West Monroe, LA as we transition through seasons this spring. 

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Is It Time for a New Heater?

Monday, March 14th, 2022

After a long cool weather season, you might notice that your home’s heater isn’t able to perform the way you’re used to. You might notice subtle changes in operation, decreased efficiency, or odd occurrences like weird sounds or smells. No matter what’s going on with your home’s heater, it’s important to have a professional perform the right work for you. If you’re thinking about a heating upgrade in West Monroe, LA, then we can be the ones to help you perform this.

We understand that it’s not always so obvious if you need a new heater for your home. If you’re unsure, we want to give you the proper information so that you can make the right choice. Let’s get into the right information that will help you today…

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