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Key Qualities of a Great Commercial AC Contractor


Air conditioning is very critical in a climate like ours. It’s not just a luxury. It’s a matter of basic comfort and, in some cases, safety. And if you own a business or a commercial property, a lack of good, reliable AC can be catastrophic. After all, would you like to sit in a hot restaurant with no AC in Louisiana in July, or spend an hour browsing in a sweltering shop and spending lots of money? Of course not!

In order to make sure you have the best performance from your AC at your business or building, you need HVAC service you can always rely on. What key qualities should you look for in a great commercial AC contractor? We’ve got some recommendations for you.

A Long History

An AC contractor that opened up shop yesterday might be great. But who knows? There’s no work history to look back on, no satisfied customers returning and keeping the business alive. But a long-lasting company has done right by customers. That’s why they’re still in business. 

At Mike Smith Heating & Air Conditioning, we’ve been serving the good folks of Ouachita Parish since 1987! We’re part of the community, we’re grateful for the customers who have kept us in business for so long, and we’re going to be around for a long time to come.

Emergency Service

If you’ve got tenants, clients, or customers in need, you can’t afford to wait around through a long weekend with no AC. You need to get your business or building back up and running! Every HVAC breakdown you experience is costly. Don’t choose a regular HVAC contractor who won’t be available when you need them urgently.

Comprehensive Services

You also don’t want to choose a contractor to install your system who won’t be able to do the other work you need. Using the same company for all your installation, maintenance, repair, and eventual replacement will be simpler for you and more effective for your HVAC system. Don’t forget to choose a company that does heating as well as AC.

Commercial Expertise

Commercial air conditioners are not the same as residential ones. If a company’s technicians only have residential training and experience, they won’t be prepared to give your commercial systems the care they need. It’s critical to have the tools, qualifications, and know-how to work on the type of system your business actually has.

Furthermore, commercial expertise doesn’t just mean knowledge of the systems. It’s also about working in a business or commercial environment. Our technicians understand how to perform maintenance and repairs in as streamlined a way as possible, avoiding interruptions to the workflow of your building.

When you need any service for your commercial air conditioning in Calhoun, LA, we’ve got you covered.

Contact Mike Smith Heating & Air Conditioning, LLC. We provide “Professional grade service.”

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