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It’s Not the Heat, It’s the Humidity! Consider a Dehumidifier


Did you know that the US state with the highest average humidity is Alaska? We doubt you’d guess that fact! Much less surprising is the fact that Louisiana always ranks pretty high on the humidity list as well. Moisture is a big part of our climate. This is fantastic, as it makes it possible for our area to have such wonderful flora and fauna. But it also has some downsides.

It’s not just a myth that humidity makes the heat seem hotter. It’s absolutely true! And humidity poses other problems and risks to your wellbeing and your home. Should you consider a humidifier? What if you have a dehumidifier but it’s not working well? We’ve got answers for you!

Why Humidity Makes Heat Worse

Your body has a top-notch cooling system. You don’t have to retreat to a cool spot like a lizard or pant with your tongue out like a dog. You simply perspire. As the perspiration evaporates, it carries some of your body heat away with it, into the air. 

But when the air is extremely humid, already saturated with moisture, it can’t absorb any more. Your perspiration doesn’t evaporate. It sits on your skin, and you remain sweaty and overheated. Keeping the humidity just a bit lower can help you feel much cooler even when the temperature hasn’t changed at all! 

Other Humidity Issues

Outdoor flora and fauna aren’t the only things that flourish in a humid environment. Unpleasant things will also grow in your home if there’s a lot of moisture in there! This includes bacteria and mold, which can make you ill, cause nasty smells, and can be very hard to clean up once a colony has grown.

Humidity damages the structure of your home, too. It causes wood to swell, paint and varnish to bubble, and wallpaper to peel limply away from the wall. And it’s terrible for all sorts of things you might have inside your home, from books to musical instruments to electronics. Keeping humidity at a reasonable level can prevent all these problems.

Whole House Dehumidifiers

While a portable dehumidifier can help a bit in a pinch, especially in a small space like a dorm or office, it really won’t do much for a long-term concern in a house. But a whole-house dehumidifier, which can be added to your HVAC system, will remove moisture from all the air that passes through your ducts. It can make a huge difference!

Dehumidifier Maintenance and Repair

If you do have a whole house dehumidifier, it can work amazingly well for quite a long time. But it won’t last forever, and it will need some help from time to time. It’s best to have maintenance done once a year to keep your dehumidifier working properly. And if at any point you don’t think the dehumidifier is getting the job done, schedule repairs.

We believe you deserve to live in cool comfort, not in sweaty humidity and mildew odors! If you have any questions about dehumidifier services in Calhoun, LA, we’re always happy to help.

Contact Mike Smith Heating & Air Conditioning, LLC. We provide “Professional grade service.”

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