Mike Smith Heating & Air Conditioning, LLC Blog: Posts Tagged ‘West Monroe’

Help Your Furnace’s Heat Exchanger Keep You Safe!

Monday, February 10th, 2025

How does a furnace work? Well, part of what it’s doing is all about generating heat. But it can’t just do that willy-nilly. It also has to keep you safe! That means things like not overheating, properly venting exhaust, and perhaps most importantly, protecting you and your family from carbon monoxide.

There’s nothing more important to us than keeping our friends and neighbors safe and well, so please, read this quick reminder about winter HVAC safety in West Monroe, LA. You’ll learn what your furnace’s heat exchanger does, how to make sure it’s working, and how to stay safe this winter.

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Mini Splits vs. Centralized Heat Pumps: A Comparison

Monday, January 27th, 2025

Here in Louisiana, a heat pump might just be the best investment you ever make. Imagine only having one system that provides all the heating and cooling you need, no matter the season. And not only that—it’s the most efficient way to heat your home that has been invented, so every month that you need your heat on, you’ll be saving money on your utility bills.

But simply deciding that a heat pump is the way to go is not the only choice you have to make. The two main types of heat pump system are centralized, like a traditional central AC unit, and mini splits, also known as ductless systems. What are the pros and cons of ductless mini splits versus centralized heat pumps? Let’s take a close look and compare.

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How Many Mini Splits Does Your Home Need?

Monday, January 13th, 2025

In Louisiana, chances are, the only heat you could ever need for your home can be provided by a heat pump. And because of the efficiency and ease of installation, a mini split or ductless system for your heat pump is the perfect choice. With proper system sizing and air handler layout, you can be perfectly comfortable all year, whether it’s 35 degrees outside or 105.

If you do have this type of system and you find you’re not totally satisfied with it, what could be wrong? Is it broken, and in need of repair? Well, it could just be that your system doesn’t fit your home. Let’s discuss how many mini splits a home needs, and how an HVAC technician can help resolve your concerns.

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Commercial Heating Maintenance Tips

Monday, November 18th, 2024

HVAC breakdowns in businesses and commercial buildings can have huge consequences. Far beyond the cost of having your systems repaired, the impact a lack of heat can cause might cost thousands of dollars in lost revenue and other peripheral costs. You simply can’t afford to let your heating system deteriorate!

Commercial heating systems need regular maintenance. This will keep them efficient, and boost their effectiveness so your tenants, employees, and customers will be more comfortable. Maintenance will reduce the risk of anything going wrong which results in repair needs or a breakdown by as much as 85%! It will even extend the life expectancy of your system. Here are some of our top tips for you.

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For Your Safety: Get Heating Maintenance

Monday, October 7th, 2024

It’s autumn already! While you might just be enjoying the fact that it’s not quite so hot outside, don’t forget that there are things on your to-do list that must be done before winter hits. One of those things—indeed, the top thing on that list—should be having routine maintenance done on your heating system.

We talk a lot about the importance of maintenance. It helps your heating system run more efficiently. It makes sure the heat will be evenly distributed, so you’ll be more comfortable and cozy. It decreases the likelihood that you’ll need repairs this winter, and even extends the lifetime of your heater! But if for no other reason, get heating maintenance done as a safety precaution. Here’s how it will prevent hazardous problems.

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Is a Ductless HVAC System Right for You?

Monday, August 26th, 2024

How’s your HVAC system doing? Perhaps some parts of it are not in excellent condition anymore. Maybe you’ve been thinking about whether some repair or replacement is in order. Maybe you’ve got questions about what your options are, and whether some of the interesting new things you’ve been hearing about are really as good as people say.

One type of system you might want to know more about is a ductless HVAC system. These are truly an excellent choice that’s ideal for many homeowners. Is a ductless HVAC system right for you? We’ll explain what the benefits are and what situations make ductless the definite way to go.

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Is an Icy Air Conditioner a Problem?

Monday, July 1st, 2024

Your air conditioner is meant to create cold temperatures, right? Absolutely. But here’s the thing: sometimes, ice develops on an air conditioner’s evaporator coils. Since people expect their air conditioner to be very cold, they might think this is perfectly fine. But it’s not! An icy air conditioner is a sign of a pretty serious problem that requires repair, or it will get worse. Here’s what’s going on.

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Is a Dripping Sound from My Air Conditioner a Problem?

Monday, May 20th, 2024

As we head into another hot Louisiana summer, it’s important to have an air conditioner that’s ready to perform under all that pressure. So you should always keep an eye (and an ear) out for any sign that your air conditioner needs repair. If you catch a problem early, you’ll be able to avoid an AC breakdown and a hot, sweaty wait for a technician.

Some signs of an AC problem are obvious: if it’s making a terrible grinding noise, stopping immediately every time it starts up, or simply not providing the cooling power you need, it’s very clear that you need repairs. But what if you’re less sure? A dripping sound from your air conditioner might cause you concern. Is it really a problem? What could be wrong? What should you do?

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Why It’s So Important to Change Your AC Air Filter

Monday, April 8th, 2024

Anywhere you look, whether it’s a blog like this one or your air conditioner’s owner’s manual, you’ll be told to change your AC air filter regularly. Most of the recommendations say it should be done once a month during the summer, and at least every few months when your air conditioner is running less of the time. But you’re not always told why!

In our experience, people are more likely to do something if they understand the importance of it and what could happen if they don’t. So we’d like to tell you all about what your AC air filter does, why it needs to be changed, and what can happen if you don’t change it.

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It’s Time for Spring Maintenance!

Monday, March 11th, 2024

Welcome to spring! It just might be the most beautiful time of the year. But you’re going to enjoy it more if you know you’re ready for the summer heat, which can hit before you quite expect it to. How can you be sure you’re prepared? One of the most important things you can do is get spring maintenance for your HVAC system. Here’s why.

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